Integrate your energetic bodies to reach your health and wellness goals.
Energetic Integration
The key to holistic health is the Energetic Integration of all of your energetic bodies. This is where we are heading. Bringing together our Physical body, with our Emotional, Spiritual, and Metaphysical bodies so we can address challenges and integrate all the pieces through all of our past, present, and possible futures.
New patients: 90 to 120 mins | $225
Returning Patients: 40 to 50 mins | $130
Vibrational Nutrition Coaching
VNC is a set of weekly or biweekly appointments investigating and addressing the vibrational impact of your nutritional habits, patterns, and resilience. Combining the subtle energies of TBM activation and Nutritional Coaching we will be able to create a sustainable nutritional plan and practice to integrate into your lifestyle.
NOTE: This service can be booked as a separate set of appointments.
6 sessions @ 40-50 mins | $450
Master Tung’s Acupuncture
Master Tung’s Acupuncture is a non-local, distal family style of Acupuncture treatment that can be traced back through generations. Fundamentally reducing the number of needles needed while quickly addressing imbalances and blockages. This is combined with CST/UMAC for all treatment sessions.
40-50 mins total session time (combined with CST/UMAC)
CranioSacral Therapy/ Unwinding Meridians
CST/UMAC is a subtle manual hands on therapy based on Cranial Osteopathic ideas where we are able to address challenges from the physical, and emotional bodies to the metaphysical and beyond. This is combined with Master Tung’s Acupuncture for all treatment sessions.
40-50 mins total session time. (combined with Acupuncture)
“Patient quote.”