Bring all together: “Energetic Integration”

First Definitions:

1: Health is more mechanical, how are the parts working. Do we have all the parts in place and are they functioning as the are meant to

2: Wellness is more the functional action of the parts working together. Communication between them, and choices we make and the actions we take within our lifestyle that impacts our presentation of “wellness”.

3: Energetic Integration is Holistic Health and Wellness.

It is the blending of the energetic with the Allopathic.

These systems, view points sorta speak, need to come together and share a coffee and a friendly chat.

I noticed a long standing patient booking appointments online with the “reason for visit” section filled out as “Energetic Integration.” I always thought that is what I hope our sessions are for them. Integrating the pieces of what they are working on outside my office with the energetic practices inside my office. So many aspects of healthcare and wellness have become so specialized that addressing the disconnection has become key.

There is far more story to share; however not everyone will have the interest in all that. Continue on with part 2


Bring all together. “Energetic Integration” part 2


Total Body Modification (TBM)