Bring all together. “Energetic Integration” part 2

More to the story…

This is really more of a personal note. I have been known from time to time to suggest to folks, that they need to “write it down and get it out of your head” and I am now following my own suggestion.

I believe that once we can “see” that thing, idea, challenge etc we can then request the additional Qi, energy, needed from the universe to address it, and manifest the change we want.

I have always practiced a blended, combination form or care. Starting out studying  CranioSacral Therapy while still working on my Masters degree knowing that Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine connected with CST beautifully. Together they both have a flow. Allowing me the practitioner to better communicate with my patient and their personal needs. All the while feeling like these were pieces of a bigger healthcare and energetic world.

After about a year in my private practice I met Dr. Ken Koles. He was teaching his Unwinding the Meridians for CST workshop which opened a whole new world of subtle energy therapies, practices, and ideas to me that I had not been exposed to.

I followed Ken. Traveling to as many workshops as possible. Stepping into being the only teaching assistant with him for a few years. This lead to more assisting, helping to develop some teaching materials, apprenticeship, and eventually teaching myself. All the time still developing my practice, yet never really “defining” what it is that I do. Fast forward almost 20 years and still no “defining” what I really do in practice.

Yes, I am a licensed Acupuncturist and that title defines a small fraction of what I do; however that box has not fit since before I finished my degree back in 2002.

My personal history plays into this as well. My learning difficulties have lead to longstanding issues with the education system. Challenges with trusting and feeling safe to practice how I want to, and the feeling of being de-valued by organizations and insurance companies. Have all played some roll. And that underlying feeling of being pushed to fit into that “box” either based on my license or just the story people assume they know about me. Needless to say, I have been hesitant to “put me out there.”

Now all of this story wraps back around to where, and what is “Energetic Integration.”

It is my story. It is me. It is learning to trust your voice, that one that reminds you to drink more water and put a hat on when it’s cold or raining. It is being open to learn new things that might seem very out of the box for you. It is asking your energetic body what it needs to help address the physical bodies challenges. It is learning to listen to your emotional body. It is seeing a lab report and knowing that it does not equal your quality of life and happiness. It is a lifestyle. It is defined by you.

It is bringing it all together to listen, hear, experience, see, and witness what can happen.


Evolving or Starting Over


Bring all together: “Energetic Integration”