
Neurodiversity: “the range of differences in individual brain function and behavioral traits, regarded as part of normal variation in the human population (used especially in the context of autistic spectrum disorders). Defined via good old Dr. Google

I wanted to touch on this as it has become a much more common term. I have had many folks bringing it up in some form during sessions. I feel within the general healthcare world “neurodiversity” and “spectrum disorders” tend to be used almost interchangeably. ADD/ADHD are a super common phrasing that many of us run into which is a functional form of the neurodiversity within our community. There is a vast number of areas which fall into this category and as such there is a vast number of people, friends, family member, kids, etc that maybe presented with this verbiage and its possibly charged meaning.

Being in private practice since 2002 “Spectrum Disorder” was first used, in my view, as a softer way to address challenges within a part of the population looking into a Autism diagnosis. There was a sidestep term of “Sensory Processing, or Sensory Overload Disorder” that directed another subgroup, and then  ADD/ADHD got mixed in there too. With increased use of this term and possible diagnoses there has become more of a speciality in addressing this. From the mental health side of things to new brain science and a smaller yet growing approach into the somatic connection patients maybe wondering where they fit into this growing community.

I think we all can see the growth in adults being diagnosed with some form of this broad reaching spectrum of challenges. If you have questions, concerns and would be interested in starting a conversation or just to be the “fly on the wall” sorta speak about an Energetic Integration perspective and approach please set up sometime and lets see what your body, mind, and energetic system has to say.


Evolving or Starting Over