Evolving or Starting Over

This is the question of the day.

And I have yet to come up with an answer.

As I look over the past 19+ years in practice I am more aware of the things I have let slip through the cracks. Updating this piece of tech. Declaring the who, what, and when of growth and plans. This list could be very, very long.

Then again what does Evolving as a solo practitioners in private practice even mean? Is it continued training? Studying the newest ideas and practices to address patient care. Or does it mean growing from 1 patient at a time to 2, 3 or more? Hiring staff? More than one location? Or does it mean coming to the place in life where the kids are adults, some pets have gone and new furry friends are waiting when you come home, your partner is reconnecting with community, and the challenges them with insurance companies, or supplies, or hell just income directly lead to the next question. Starting over?.

To Start Over feels a bit like giving in to those challenges. And at times those challenges feel like they are there just to question what it is you’re really doing and why you’re still doing it in the first place. I’m sure Im not the first practitioner, parent, partner, etc that has ponder this question. Yet does starting over in the same place with the same restriction, self doubt, and reference point actually mean your starting over?

Maybe looking more closely at the language being used could help clarify. Language defines what it is we are even looking at in the first place. It also empowers the transformation.

I want to look more closely into the language we all define our worlds with and how that directly addresses the manifestation of the reality we are in.

Evolving into starting over with a new definition. Yes that still not answer the main question of the day; however it does open the door for understanding what the question even is.




Bring all together. “Energetic Integration” part 2